Wednesday, April 2, 2014

This Week's Review Delayed until 4/5/2014

Greetings, Rave Up Music fans. Barius here, and due to a few scheduling conflicts this week, the next and last review for Rave Up Music's Wrassle-Palooza series will be delayed until Saturday, April 5th, 2014 (The day before WWE's Wrestlemania 30!) I am delaying it until this Saturday to allow myself the time to write a quality review, and I feel like I cannot do that under the window of time I gave myself for this review.

After that review is posted, Rave Up Music is going to take a week off, and return on April 16th with a new edition of Cover Wars before we get to the One Year Anniversary review on May 1st!

I hope you all understand, and I want to thank all of you in advance for your patience in anticipation for the next review. Have a good rest of the week, and I hope you enjoy the review when it is released on Saturday! Until then, keep on rockin'!

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